Essay on “Zoology” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.


Zoology is the study of origin, behaviour, diseases, life processed, distribution and more among animals. A zoologist does many things, including analyzing the characteristics of the animals to identify and classify them, study the animal in its natural habitat to see what effect the environment has on the animal, collects and dissects animal specimens, conducts experiments using the animals, and raises the animals to study and observe. No one is sure how many species of animals there are in the world (more than one million have been identified so far) and new ones are discovered every year, so there is plenty for a zoologist to do, even if they specialize in only a certain category. They can work in modern laboratories at universities, research centres, zoos, and museums, or they can do field study, where they go to the animals instead of bringing the animals to them. When a zoologist finds something new or important, they write a report on it, which is published in scientific journals that are read by other zoologists and interested people. To become a zoologist, you must attend college, no matter what you do. If you are working in a harder area of research, you must get your bachelor’s degree in zoology, ecology, or biology.

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