When was the first cheque known to have been drawn? General Knowledge for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations

When was the first cheque known to have been drawn?

The first CHEQUE known to have been drawn on a British bank was for the sum of £ 10 made payable to the bearer by Nicholas Vanacker and dated London, 22 April 1659. It was paid through Messrs Clayton & Morris, bankers, law scriveners and estate agents of Cornhill. The original cheque was sold at Sotheby’s in December 1976 for £ 1,300. It is made out in almost exactly the style of a modern cheque, the amount being written out first in words and then in figures.

The earliest surviving PRINTED CHEQUE is one issued by Hoare’s Bank and filled in for the amount of £ 5,000 made payable to David Roberts by John Calcroft, Army Agent, 4 March 1763.

The first CHEQUES WITH PERFORATED COUNTERFOILS were issued by Hoare’s Bank on 5 July 1864.

The first CHEQUES MADE OUT IN BRITISH DECIMAL CURRENCY was for the sum of £ 50.30 payable to London Lines Supply Ltd by Mr N. Hickmet on behalf of Gatwick Manor Ltd and dated 4 March 1968. It was cleared by the Westminster Bank, Crawley, Sussex on 7 March.

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