Essay on “Carpool” for School, College Students, Long and Short Paragraph for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.


  • What is a carpool?
  • How does it work?
  • What are the advantages of using a car pool?

Carpool is basically people sharing cars, people sharing rides for the purpose of traveling. I use the carpool to get to school. Four of my classmates and me travel to school using Ram’s Dad’s car. He drops us to school every day. We travel back from school in my mom’s car. It’s a very good arrangement for everybody. Ram’s Dad drops us on the way to work and my mom picks us up on the way back from work.

Everyone contributes to the cost of petrol. One month my mom and Ram’s dad do the driving the next month Hari’s dad and Malini’s dad do it. It works perfectly for all of us.

The advantage of using the carpool is that lesser petrol is wasted which also means lesser pollution. The parents have to do it only every four months and as for us we have a good time traveling together to school. If we were to go individually we would waste more petrol and not be able to have the added fun of traveling together.

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