English Essay on “World Peace” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

World Peace

The urgent problem before the international community is the world peace. Any single false move may set ablaze throwing overboard all that mankind has achieved through centuries of tireless effort. All sensible leaders of the world are pre-occupied with this problem.

No part of the world is safe from the modern destructive weapons of warfare. What happens in one part of the wend has its repercussions in every other part of the world. Hence, the problem of world peace is a universal problem.

But this problem is not modern, it had been in existence from time immemorial. The world has seen many wars through the centuries and efforts have been made at every stage to find a solution for this problem. But today this problem has assumed alarming proportion in so far as the conflicts of the present day world pose serious threats to the very existence of human civilization. Mankind is in possession of such deadly and destructive weapons that the third world war will wipe out all traces of civilization and there will he neither civilization nor human community left behind.

The thirst for power on the part of certain big power leads them to undermine the freedom and independence of other countries. The problems of the Second World War have been left unsolved. The colonial policies of certain countries are a danger to world peace. Ideological cold war has been going on between Russia and America from 1945 and between China and Russia from 1962.

Increasing population in some countries without the corresponding increase in the means of livelihood has led them to grab by force territories of their neighbours. The wide division between the rich and the power is also causing concern. This state of affairs should be curtailed of avoid the third world war.

The policy of racial discrimination is also a souse of conflict. Inflationary trends and the absence of cosmopolitan outlook Is also another reason.

Therefore, effective measures to bring about peace are to be thought out and enforced before it is too late-The policy of peaceful co-existence and inculcation of the free spirit of universal brotherhood are the means that can build up strong foundation for the peace. I’ The United Nations must be strengthened and it must be made more capable of maintaining world peace. No country shall be permitted to use force for the settlement of disputes with other countries.

There should be just and equitable distribution of world’s resources between the developed and under developed countries of the world. Diverse nationalities should be made to have international contacts.

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