English Essay on “A Good Wife Lost is The God’s Gift Lost” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

A Good Wife Lost is The God’s Gift Lost

A good wife is a boon to the man. She is the most precious gift of God to the man. If the man loses her, then he loses the most wonderful gift of Almighty God. A man must not lose a  good wife. He must know her worth. A good wife loves each and every member of her husband’s family. She respects all the elders of her husband’s family and gives abundant love to the youngers.

A good wife is not partial to any one member of the house. She solves all the problems of the house without favouritism and partiality. She has good intentions for everyone. She wants the good of everyone. She does not allow her mother-in-law to do much work. She looks after her mother-in-law more than her mother. Her father-in-law is more dear to her than her own father. Every member of her in-laws family is more dear to her than her own family.

A good wife does not get irritated on petty issues. She is self-respectful but not proud of herself. She does not keep on boasting about her achievements all time. She remains humble and down-to-earth. A good wife attains knowledge about interior decoration of the house, cooking, and other household tasks. She enhances her personality by bringing improvement in her communication skills, manners and etiquettes.

A good wife wants to keep her husband pleased, therefore she keeps a smile infront of her husband and tries her best to give him relief from all the burdens of the house. She shares all the responsibilities with great intelligence. She does things in an organised way to keeps discipline in the house. A good wife keeps her house sparkling clean. Sometimes she sings songs to portray her love to her husband. She remains faithful to her husband till her last breath. Such good wives are very rare in the world, but if one gets, he is one of the most fortunate man of the entire universe.

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