Write a letter to your friend inviting him to visit the fair of your village. Letter Writing for Class 8, 9, 10, 12.

Write a letter to your friend inviting him to visit the fair of your village.



My dear Pulak,

Very many thanks for your kind letter, which I received yesterday. If you do have not any plans for the coming holidays, perhaps you would like to come and stay with us here in our village. Mother and I would love to see you here. It would be a pleasant relief for you from the dust, smoke, and noises of the city. There is an added attraction. A fair is held during the Chaitra Sankranti and the Bengal New Year’s Day. On Sankranti day, a huge pole is fixed on the ground and the devotees of Siva show different kinds of physical feats. Hundreds of merchants, hawkers and businessmen come all over the country to take part in the fair associated with the festival. People of different classes, high or low, young or old meet together in the fair. There are also arrangements of various amusements. Big circus, magic bands, cinema, and jatra parties often come and show their feats and performances to the great amusement of the rural people. Children in fancy dresses and smiling faces move here and there in the fair and buy things of their choice. Moreover, you will enjoy the vast paddy fields and many other sights and sounds of nature.

Please try to have your father’s permission. I shall be glad to receive a prompt reply from you.

With love and best wishes,

Yours ever,


Name + Address

of your friend :

One Response

  1. Jayita paul September 10, 2023

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