Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the burning problem of this day i.e. reckless driving of the bus or truck driver.

Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the burning problem of this day i.e. reckless driving of the bus or truck driver.


The Editor,

The Telegraph,



Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to the burning problem of this day i.e. reckless driving of the bus or truck driver.

Every day we are reported of the loss of lives, injury and so many mishaps caused by the reckless driving of the bus or truck driver. Both the poor victims and the drivers belong to the same society. Not a single day passes without an accident on the road. There is no security of life. A mother does not know whether her son or daughter – will come back from school or college. A great anxiety remains in the family:

Being impatient, drivers try to overtake other vehicles flouting traffic rules. Sometimes irresponsible traffic police themselves do not abide by law. Drivers are sometimes adamant. Loss of life is nothing to them.

Our Government should take stern steps so that the drivers must abide by the rules of the road, and should mete out [give] exemplary punishment to the drivers for their serious offence of reckless driving.

Hope the Government will take firm steps in this matter to save the precious lives of the pedestrians and commuters.

Yours faithfully,

Anil Kumar Dey


Address of Sender:

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