Write a letter to the Editor expressing your reactions to the frequent violence in different hospitals on account of the alleged negligence of doctors.

Write a letter to the Editor of a leading newspaper expressing your reactions to the frequent violence in different hospitals following the death of patients on account of the alleged negligence of doctors.


The Editor,

The Statesman,

Kolkata-700 001


Kindly allow me a space in your renowned columns to enable me to ventilate my reactions to the frequent violence in different hospitals following the deaths of patients on account of the alleged negligence of doctors.

All the media of the country keep us aware, from morning to night, of the incidents of mob violence in different hospitals following the deaths of the patients caused by the alleged negligence of the doctors.

It is obvious that a number of doctors these days are found to be blatantly negligent to the patients. Sometimes they, instead of attending to the patients in hospitals, go out during their duty hours at hospitals to attend to private patients. In some cases, they callously neglect the hospital patients, especially the poor. At times, these doctors do not commit such crimes intentionally, but the condition of the patients goes beyond their control. Sometimes proper medicines are not available in the hospitals and the time the relatives of the patients procure such life-saving drugs from the market and return to the hospital—the patient expires. In any case, the patient dies and the relatives of the patients create havoc in the hospital.

On many occasions, it is found that the public, for no apt reason, creates violence in the wards or in the hospital compound, much to the inconvenience of the other patients. In brief, the total medical system has to be reoriented as well as the people who come to the hospital with patients must have the patience to avoid unwanted situations.

Yours faithfully,

L. K. Sen


Address of Sender:

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