Essay on “The Life of a Teenager” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 9, 10 and 12 students.

The Life of a Teenager

I am a student of 12th class. Now running the 18th year of my age. People call me teenager. But I don’t find any special change in me after entering the teenager’s zone. Nevertheless, I like to be a teenager as I am anxious of my dress and fashion. ‘Like other teenagers, I also like to wear long hair and put on Jeans and T. Shirts. My parents have increased my pocket allowance. I sometimes go along with my friends to watch a movie. Like the circle of my friends. Some of us study together and play together. My mother feels proud of me when I move in their company and invite them to tea at my house. My father too is happy to see me growing out of the childish habits and funny pranks. He sometimes asks me very intelligent questions. I think can well satisfy them with my mature answers.

I like being a teenager for one more reason that our relatives often talk to my mother regarding the matrimonial alliance. I feel tickled but say sternly to my, mother that I would like to go for further studies and not get Married Not but I sometimes dislike being a teenager, because I feel, gone are those lively days when I was fondled by my parents. They used to take me to every function; they got me toys and sweets. But now if I demand any good toy I get the answer, “You are no more a child.” If I express my wish to buy a musical instrument, they say, “Music has never been our profession.” I If I read novels, may be literary and thought provoking, I am forbidden to read them with the remarks, “These novels will spoil you.” I sometimes dislike to be a teenager. At times I wish I could revive my childhood days and become a child once again.

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