Essay on “Good Manners” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

Good Manners

3 Best Essay on ” Good Manners”

Essay # 1

Good manners make a man great and perfect. A good mannered person is admired by all in society. It makes a person optimistic and graceful in life. Good manners are more important than the Laws of the State. We should be well-mannered at home. We should respect our elders and love those who are younger than us. We should co-operate with each other in doing domestic work. We should keep our home tidy and dirt-free. We should always respect and entertain the guests who visit us.

Good manners should also be taught at school. We should learn to respect our teachers. We should never misbehave in class. We should always maintain discipline in our lives. We should never break the belongings of the school. We should always lend a hand to those students who are weak in their studies.

Good manners play a significant role in social life. We should be polite and courteous to others. We should be courteous even while turning down the unreasonable wishes of others. We should treat everybody equally. If we are in a group, we should talk less and pay attention to what others say. We should always add ‘please’ to get any favour and should never forget to say thank you as a courtesy for the favour done. By being good to others, a person becomes great in other’s heart.

(231 Words)

Essay # 2

Good Manners

If a man is a bundle of habits, a gentleman is a bundle of manners. As in the Middle Ages in Europe, the highest glory of man was to call himself a Christian, so in the twentieth century, the highest tribute that could be paid to a man is to call him a gentleman.

A man of good manners is an ornament, but a rude man is a plague to society. Manners are the ornament of an action; as there is a way of speaking a kind word or speaking a kind thing, which greatly enhances their value. Good manners have always been the hallmark of noble souls. Christ washed the feet of his disciples. Lord Krishna washed the feet of his Brahmin guest. George Washington took his hat off to a negro who saluted him. A friend of his reprimanded him for showing so much regard to a Negro as to take off his hat to him but he replied that he could not allow a Negro to surpass him in good manners.

Good manners are indispensable to all. They are a better possession than wealth, beauty, or talent. The civility of speech and action is the only thing required of man. A French woman went to the length of saying that she could not tolerate a breach of good manner though she could never be put out by insults. Thus civility and courtesy are of greatest value to man. A merchant who is not courteous soon loses his customers. A public officer who is uncourteous becomes unpopular soon. If a lawyer wishes to succeed at the bar, he must be courteous to his clients. If a professor likes to be popular he must deal with the students in a courteous manner. If a principal wishes to manage his staff satisfactorily he must not forget to be courteous to them. A salesman requires it most to dispose of his goods. A student requires it if he requires to be respected by his class fellow, and a master needs it if he wants his servants to work for him and hold him in high esteem.

A man who does not possess good manners cannot become a well-bred man. It was very clearly expressed by Dr. Johnson when he said that the difference between a well-bred and ill-bred man is that one immediately attracts one’s liking, the other one’s aversion. “You love the one”, he observes, “till you find reasons to hate him; you hate the other till you find a reason to love him.” It is true that “manners make a man and want of it a fellow.”

Good manners lend charm to persons. They enhance the nobility of one’s nature and the beauty of one’s soul. A man may be very noble, but if he is not mannerly in his conduct and behaviour he is liable to be misunderstood because he cannot be agreeable to those with whom he comes in contact. On the other hand, a treacherous man passes off for a gentleman and

wins the love and affection of his fellowmen if he is courteous in his behavior and is of amicable and sweet disposition. Such is the magical influence of good manners.


Good Manners

Essay # 3

  1. Good manners have to be learnt.

  2. Polite behavior is different in different countries.

  3. But the principle of good manners-consideration for others–the same in all.

  4. Good manners are a form of unselfishness.

  5. Good manners are necessary for popularity and success.

Good manners do not come naturally; they have to be learnt. If children were not told and shown how to behave politely, they would grow up rough and rude like savages.

Good manners are not the same in all countries, for different nations have different customs. For example, in England, it is a mark of respect to take one’s hat off in a church, or in another person’s house, or when we meet people we know in the street; but in India, it is polite to keep the hat on, and rude to take it off. In England it would be considered rude if a host asked his guests to go at the end of a visit; but in India, at any rate among old-fashioned people, the guests would think it rude to leave until their host gave them permission to do so.

But these are small matters. The proverb says, “When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do’; and a polite person in a foreign country will always try to behave in a way that will not offend the people of that country. However different good manners may be in different places, the principle of good manners is always the same everywhere-it is the consideration for the feeling of others. Good manners are the mark of a gentleman, and a real gentleman always tries to consider other people’s feelings. He will not say things that will hurt them; he will not speak in a rude way to offend them; he will not do things, when he is with them, that he knows they do not like.

So good manners are really a form of unselfishness. No one can have really good manners who is selfish and conceited, and who always wants his own way and seeks his own comfort. He may be outwardly polite, but he will not have the spirit of good manners.

Good manners are necessary for success in life. Rough, rude, selfish, and vain people are always disliked, and can never be popular; a rude businessman or shopkeeper soon loses his customers.

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