Autobiography of A Handbag
Hand bags are ladies’ friends- they carry it where ever they go. I am a handbag, made of thick cotton, off white in colour, with many pockets, long handle strap and a side pocket to carry a bottle. I was displayed in a hand bag shop in a showroom in California in USA.
I had been hanging in the shop for many days and longed to go with any beautiful women who would make best use of me. I longed to go out and see places. Once, an Indian couple came into the showroom, went around, stopped on seeing me and the lady checked me carefully. She decided to buy me attracted by my style and useful design. I flew to Bangalore with her and she was always complimented for her choice, that’s me.
I was filled with soft dresses of her baby, softer towels, nappies and baby’s milk bottle. I also carried her purse with cash, her contact cards and such little things. Though my mam had few leather handbags she always picked me when she traveled out. Once, hers sister’s family and her cousin had come over. They were planning a shopping cum outing. 1 was again picked from the lovely almirah’s shelf and filled with baby’s things! I am usually thrilled to go out and had seen places like Mysore, Chennai and Kerala. I was also proud that I was serving the baby- I stored his milk bottle too.
That day we all traveled in an auto rickshaw to reach the city’s shopping area. Since all were huddled in it. I was kept at the rear (behind the seat) area of the auto so that everybody could sit comfortably. I was sad since I have never been parted from my mam’s lap or car seat. When they reached their destination, they alighted absolutely forgetting me and leaving me there, making me feel miserable. I was spotted later, in the night by the auto driver and he was excited to gift me to his wife. The wife was a young lady and was very happy to have a new handbag. that too with baby clothes in it. Now, 1 serve the young lady but have no good resting place or opportunity to visit new places. I am a little old and dirty. I may be useful, a few days more but actually miss my previous mistress and their home. I am sure she too misses me.