Essay on “A Visit To The Mughal Garden” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 9, 10 and 12 students.

A Visit To The Mughal Garden

The Mughal Garden is the name given to the gardens attached to the Rashtrapati Bhavan. It is the Rashtrapati’s private garden. In the month of February every year, this garden is opened to the public. At that time, the garden is in its full bloom. Large numbers of men, women and children flock to the garden to have a glimpse of it. It, then becomes an important centre of attraction for the Delhi people.

The garden is situated in the premises of the Rashtrapati Bhavan itself. There are high walls on all the sides of the garden. One cannot have a look at it from outside. The entry to the garden is from the North Avenue side. One has to pass through several check-outs before one actually steps into the garden. My father and I had the good luck of seeing it last year. We hired an auto and reached there.

As one steps into the garden, one has the feeling of stepping into a paradise. The whole garden is a feast to the eyes. It is a thrilling experience to find ourselves in the world of flowers. There are smiling flowers to greet us at each step. Flowers of different varieties reign supreme in their own areas. Particularly the great variety of roses.

Lovely groves, attractive sidewalks, shady cool places and velvety grass fill the heart with joy. One feels like sitting in a corner to enjoy nature’s wealth. Every gust of wind fills up the nostrils with fragrance. One forgets the world for-some time and becomes one with nature.

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