Essay on “A Hot Day in Summer” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

A Hot Day in Summer

Total Essay – 5

Essay No. 01

A hot day in summer is a very bad experience. The temperature is very high. The sun seems cruel, burning everything on its face. It is scorching and perspiring. Going out to work is much more teasing. Travelling by buses and trains is all the more troublesome. The mornings are somewhat cool but as noon approaches the things to worsen. The trees and plants seem to sulk in the Sun. They keep quite motionless as there is not a whiff of wind. Everything is silent and unmoving. The birds and beasts all gasp for breath. The stray dogs die of thirst. The Sun seems to get hotter and hotter every moment. Everything gets heated up. The walls and floors seem burning. The only source of comfort is the cold water which keeps us going. People consume a lot of water all through the day and night. The fans, coolers, air conditioners and fridges work round the clock. The electricity is consumed at its peak. The big cities suffer from power cuts and people come on the roads, they protest but ultimately they reconcile with the situation. There is a scarcity of all the essential supplies due to heat. The vegetable prices go sky-high. The schools declare holidays as they cannot make proper arrangements for the students. The rich escape the heat of the plains and take refuge in the hill stations. They pay for the expensive stays there.

The condition of poor labourers is pitiable. They have to work on roads and building constructions in the open Sun. The affluent people enjoy their posh houses and cars, offices and farmhouses. It is again the poor who suffer the wrath of nature. The trouble ends only when there is a bounty of nature in the form of a shower of rain. People pray for this bounty of nature, day in and out and ultimately the clock of time turns round and it is the end of summer.


Essay No. 02


An Extremely Hot Day

In countries like India, the summer season is the most uncomfortable season. Extremely hot weather affects in slowing down of activity. The blowing of the loo causes much discomfort and, sometimes, even leads to death. Frequent breakdown of electricity adds much to the problem. In order to counter the effect of extremely hot days, an air-conditioned atmosphere is provided in offices and business centres. During extremely hot days, the loss of appetite is a common phenomenon. People heave a sigh of relief when, during an extremely hot day, there are clouds or a shower.

Essay No. 03

A Hot Summer Day

Summer is very hot in India. June is the hottest month of the year. The heat of the sun becomes unbearable. People perspire from head to foot. Cold drinks are in great demand. Baths give little relief. Not only men but even animals and birds feel restless in the intense heat of the sun.

It was the day of 20th June. The sun was extremely hot. I was wet to the bone with sweat. A hot wind was blowing outside. Not a leaf was stirring. The birds were sitting quietly. They were feeling thirsty. Their beaks were wide open. Dogs were sitting in drains of dirty water. They were lolling their tongues. The roads looked deserted.

The afternoon was the hottest part of the day. Nobody liked to go out in the sun. The shopkeepers had pulled down their shutters. They were taking a rest under the fans. A boy or two were carrying umbrellas over their heads. The rickshaw pullers were perspiring while plying rickshaws. Parents were waiting for their children from school. The labourers had left their work. They were sitting in a shady corner.

The people prayed to God for rain. God answered their prayers. Meanwhile, clouds started gathering in the sky. A cool wind began to blow. Soon it began to rain. There was water everywhere. People came out of their houses. Children began playing in rainwater. The birds started chirping. The weather became pleasant. People heaved a sigh of relief. There was a mood of fun and gaiety.


A Hot Summer Day

Essay No. 04

In the hot weather in India, wise people get up before dawn; for when the sun has once risen, good-bye to any hope of coolness until early the next morning. It is still dark when one leaves one’s bed on the top of the house or in the garden (for sleeping inside the house at night is impossible), has a nice cold bath, and dresses. Now for the only pleasant walk in the day! There is just a faint light in the eastern sky, and the stars are beginning to pale. A cool breeze blows, and the birds are waking. The crows caw noisily in the trees, a flock of screaming parrots flies overhead, doves are cooing, and the brain-fevered bird is trying to reach its top note. The grass is cool and dewy, the shadowy trees are rustling their leaves, and the air is full of scent.

The grey light in the east grows rapidly brighter, turns to red and then to gold, and then a burning bright point appears above the horizon. It quickly grows larger and larger and rises higher (how you wish you could stop it!), and then up-leaps the sun and it is the day. At once the heat begins. Walking becomes toilsome and wearisome, and one turns back to the house for one’s morning cup of tea, under the electric fan or the old-fashioned punkah, on the verandah.

It is not long before the servants begin shutting the house up to keep it cool every door and window barred against the heat enemy, that now begins to besiege the fortress. If we can sit inside our fort under the fan, we keep fairly cool. But if we have to go out in the now blazing sun, as most people have to do, then we feel the full force of the heat. In places like Bombay, Calcutta and Madras, the heat is humid, for the air is full of moisture; it is like being in a hothouse or a Turkish bath, and our shirt is wet through with sweat. But in Punjab, the heat is very dry and fierce, like the blast of a furnace.

By noon the sun is the blazing right over-head-a fierce, scorching, pitiless sun. The farmers in the fields take refuge under the shade of the trees and sleep. But noon is not the hottest time. All the afternoon the heat gets more and more intense, until about four o’clock it is at its worst; and the only thing is to lie indoors under the fan and gasp. How welcome is tea when it comes!

At about six o’clock, we can open doors and windows. But it is still very hot outside, even after the sun has set; for the heated earth, like a hot brick, gives out heat for hours. But when darkness comes, it gets a little cooler; so that one is glad at last to get to sleep in the open air with only a sheet over one.


Essay No. 05

A Hot Summer Day

A Man staying in the cool and calm atmosphere of his house can hardly know what heat can do to a person. We sometimes do feel hot in spite of the fan but that heat is bearable. What about the man on the road? Only a person who has had an experience of this can know the difference and appreciate the comfort which we find only by staying within our four walls.

I dread heat and cold equally. But once on an exceptionally hot day, I had to remain out of doors on business. I started at eight in the morning when the heat was somewhat bearable. I thought I would finish whatever I had to do before it got unbearably hot. But alas! I had not taken into account the hurdle that was to come that day before me. Every step threw me behind schedule. At noon, worn out, hot and miserable, I still found myself on the road.

During these hours my clothes got wet with perspiration and dried up so many times that I made quite a clumsy figure. During this period I drank water like a fish.

Now I thought once again to refresh myself with some cold drink. I entered a restaurant. I demanded a cold drink and the bearers there must have taken me for a madman as they watched me consume some four or five glasses of it. You cannot imagine how much at ease I felt inside that air-conditioned restaurant. I almost thought of sitting down there for the rest of the day. But I had to move out to finish my work for the day.

Here on the road, for the first time in the day, I saw a person who was in greater trouble than myself and who looked more uneasy than I. He was a bald-headed middle-aged man. As he went along I saw to my horror that he went with a bundle on his head. I could not be mad but he was surely almost mad with heat. I cannot say whether he actually went mad by the time he reached home. It made me almost nervous when I realised that my condition was not much better. The next thing I did was to take a bus and return home.

That day was a day I spent in hell. The next day I read in the newspaper that a man had died due to heat. Such was the intensity of summer.

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