English Essay on “My Pet Cat” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

My Pet Cat

A pet is a domesticated animal or bird. Pets are kept for pleasure. I have a cat as my pet. She is small in size. She is brown and white in colour. Her eyes are blue.

I call her Pixy. She is very bold. She is not afraid even of dogs. She responds well to my call I- feed her on milk, bread and biscuits.

Pixy is of clean habits. She does not make my house or bed dirty. She is nice and obedient. When I return from school, she is there to welcome me.

She often goes with me for an evening walk. We play together, hop, run and jump, She moves her tail to show her feelings. When happy, she mews so gently.

Pixy is ever watchful for rats. But she is friendly to others. Sometimes even birds come near her. In winter she can be often seen basking in the sun. Pixy is a nice pet.

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