Write a letter to your friend describing what you propose to do if you become rich all of a sudden.

Write a letter to your friend describing what you propose to do if you become rich all of a sudden.



My dear Meri,

Your letters are so much fun! The reply to your amusing question about what should I do if I suddenly become rich—has set me thinking. However, here is the answer to satisfy your curiosity.

A girl like me can become suddenly rich only by winning prizes in a lottery. If I win, say five lakhs of rupees in the West Bengal, State Lottery, what shall I do with that big sum? I have just thought out a plan for the right use of the amount. I shall set apart different sums for different purposes. Charity, you know, begins at home. So rupees three lakhs will be spent for the welfare of the family. This will enable my parents to build a decent house of our own and remove a long-felt want. Fifty thousand Rupees will be utilized for my education as well as for the education of my younger brother and sister. Books are a delightful society and I would spend Rs. ten thousand for it. I have also a mind to spend a like amount for rendering pecuniary help to some of our poor relations. Ten thousand rupees will be reserved for emergencies. I would like to make a gift of the remaining sum to the hospital of our locality to make provision for two free beds. To serve mankind is to serve God, and I shall not mind for the expense. This is, in short, my plan for the utilization of the money if it comes at all to me as a windfall.

I am sound in mind and limb. How are you?

With love and good wishes,

Yours ever,


Name + Address

of your friend :

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