Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the rising prices and the suffering of the people caused thereby.

Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the rising prices and the suffering of the people caused thereby.


The Editor

The Telegraph,



I crave the hospitality of your esteemed journal to publish therein a few lines about the high prices of essential commodities causing great hardship to the people.

The ever-increasing price of the bare necessities of life is now a headache to most of the people. The poor and the lower middle classes form the vastly major part of the population of the country and their sufferings are now beyond description. In recent times the prices of all essential goods such as potatoes, sugar, coal, mustard oil, kerosene, salt, dal, spices, etc. have gone up so high that it is beyond the capacity of the poor and the middle-class people to purchase them. The prices of rice, milk, fish, meat and almost all vegetables are also going up day by day. Clothes, garments, medicines and writing materials cost more than what they cost a year ago. Thus, it has now become almost impossible to make both ends meet. The Government should take immediate action against the dishonest hoarders and profiteers and make better arrangements for the supply of essential commodities at cheap prices.

I, therefore, request you to bring the matter to the notice of the Government, both at the center and in the state, to redress the grievances of the people.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Raman Singh


Address of Sender:

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