Essay on “Status of Women in India” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 9, 10 and 12 students.

Status of Women in India

Since independence, the position of women in India has been improved. Constitution of India guarantees women equal position with men by giving them all the rights and privileges possessed by the males living in society.

The women of India have equal opportunities and rights. They can aspire to any position and status in society. Many of them are in top positions in various fields of life. A few of them have been great entrepreneurs, managers, political leaders, administrators, executives, etc. This noticeable change in their outlook, social and economic status shows that their emancipation has been almost complete.

Today, women in India are well conscious of their rights and privileges. They are politically, socially economically and educationally not backward anymore. Their participation in the elections has been quite striking. Their political wisdom and social knowledge has now been fully accepted. The status of modern women in India has undergone a change. During the last few decades, India has produced many great women leaders, social workers, reformers and literary personalities like Mother Teresa, Indira Gandhi, Vijay Lakshmi Pandit, Dr. Annie Besant, P.T. Usha, Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur, Sachet Kripalani, Kalpana Chawla, Subhadra Kumari Chauhan, etc. India really feels very proud because of these great women and their significant contributions and achievements in the fields of art, science, sports, politics, etc.

Indian, society is a male-dominated society. Women have to depend on men for protection and help at every stage of life. As a daughter, she needs protection from her father and brother. As a married woman, she has to depend on her husband. Even in old age, she again has to depend upon her husband or son.

Women in India are still exploited and abused. They are still regarded as inferior to men. The birth of a female child is considered a curse in many parts of the country. Condition of women in villages is far worse. As they are not aware about their rights and privileges, they have to depend on men. Even some highly educated women in urban India cannot spend their earnings, as they like. Thus, in our traditional society, male dominance still prevails. A husband has a far superior position over his wife and all major decisions are taken by him without consulting her or taking into consideration her wishes and ambitions. This has created an imbalance and disharmony in many families.

There is much to be done towards improving the condition of women in India. In many parts of remote India, the custom of child marriage still exists, widow remarriage is not allowed and girls are still given away in marriages against their will. Poor parents cannot afford to give dowry. They are forced to either keep their daughters unmarried, or give them away in marriages to unmatched husbands. The hard-work and sweat as homemakers and working-women, goes unrewarded and unrecognized although it is significant enough to run a household and family.

The present status of women in India has to be further consolidated and improved. Women should rise as one powerful body and fight the evils faced by them. They should raise their voices against male pride. They should come forward and take active part in the political affairs of the country. They should declare and achieve economic independence to play stronger role in society. It is said that God helps those who help themselves and in the same way, it is true in the case of the e quality and liberty of women in India.

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