English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on Monument “Village of Begumpur” Full Length Essay for Kids and Students.

Village of Begumpur

The village of Begumpur in Delhi is very near to Ala-ud-din Khilji’s citadel called Siri. The mosque of Begumpur is supposed to have been built by Khan-e-Jahan Telingani, the minister of Ferozshah Tughlaq.

This mosque has a family resemblance to the mosques at Kalu Sarai, Nizamuddin, Masjid Kalan near Turkman Gate in Shajahanabad and the Khirki Masjid. All these mosques are built of stone and rubble, most of them multi-domed with sloping sides.

Bempri Masjid is so hemmed in by the village that its grandeur cannot be viewed from a distance, as would have been appropriate. Its stately flight of steps leads to an interior dominated by an arresting central arch with soaring minarets.

Near the mosque, lies Lal Gumbad, thought to be the tomb of the saint Kabir-ud-din Auliya, but another viewpoint is that Muhammad Tughlaq built it for himself.


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