English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “A Moonlit Night” for Kids, Students of Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 Board Examination

A Moonlit Night

Essay No. 1

Moonlit nights are beautiful all over the world, but in the tropics, they are more frequent, and also more agreeable than in colder climates. They are more frequent, because in the tropics for eight or nine months of the year the moon never wastes its beams on banks of clouds that intercept its light from the earth. They are more agreeable because the climate invites the inhabitants of tropical countries to go out after sunset and enjoy the cool night air, whereas, except at midsummer, the dwellers in cold and temperate climates prefer to take the air at midday, and see little of the moon even on the limited number of the days in the year during which the sky is clear of clouds.

In the sunny south, the mild splendor of the moon is particularly delightful in contrast with the glare of the ardent sun that has been shining all through the day. The restful feeling inspired by the quiet of the night and by the refreshing coolness of the air puts the mind in a proper mood for the enjoyment of the beauty of a moonlight scene. In the daylight some views are beautiful and others are the reverse, but moonlight has the magical power of beautifying whatever it shines upon. In the hot weather of India, the grass is burnt brown, and the bushes and trees pine for want of moisture. When this is the case, the sight of a rural landscape fails to give pleasure to the eye in the sunlight. But look at the same scene in the soft light of the moon, and all is changed. The burnt grass and bushes then lose all trace of their withered condition and under the flood of moonlight look as beautiful as a poet’s dream of fairyland.

The same magical transformation comes over many of the works of man under the influence of the moon. Scott recommends those who would see Melrose at its best to visit its ruins by the moonlight when the buttresses of grey stone seem to be framed alternately of ebony and ivory, and the sculptured images are edged with silver. The same advice is often given to those who contemplate a visit to the Taj Mahal at Agra. But even ordinary buildings look beautiful by the light of the moon, under whose magic spell stucco battlements and whitewashed domes and minarets seem to be made of pure white marble. Forests are beautiful by day, but even more beautiful by night. It is difficult to imagine anything that could more fully satisfy our sense of beauty than a walk in the countryside,

‘When the deep burnished foliage overhead

Splinters the silver arrows of the moon.’

Yet equally beautiful is the spectacle of the moonlit ocean when we see a broad path of silver light stretching before us to the distant horizon, and no sound is heard but the gentle murmur of the advancing and retiring waves.


Essay No. 2

A Walk in Moonlit Night

The moon is the queen of night and a splendour among starry heavens.

A walk in a moonlit night is really a refreshing and fascinating experience. Strolling in a moonlit night is pleasant and delightful in ways more than one.

Walking in moonlit night does not only remove the weariness and boredom of the hectic day, but also it elevates our spirit, enlivens our soul and refreshes our mind. The atmosphere during a moonlit night is surcharged with calmness and quietness if we walk through the countryside, which is away from humdrum, noise and clamour of cities. Moreover, the cool air, the cool and soothing beams of the moon, kissing each and every object of nature, present a charming sight. One really feels thrilled and relieved. One feels a sense of joy. There comes the freedom of mind, thoughts and ideas.

A moonlit night delights our heart and soul. The tranquil surroundings in a countryside or distant landscapes present a lovely sight. The moon shines like a lighthouse to guide us in the dark night. And in such a night, away from the din and dust of cities, when we are in the company of our dearest friends, cutting jokes and chatting with them are very alluring pleasures. The stars in the presence of the moon make the moon the guardian of all the stars.

The entire nature is clothed in the shining silvery robes of the moonlit night. Every, object appears to be cheerful and mirthful. The flowers emitting sweet fragrances, the petals dancing to the tune of soothing and cool wind and the trees whispering in the breeze really render a fascinating spectacle. The green fields, flowers and fruits dance in a coherent rhythm because of the pleasant wind and moonlight.

Indeed, a moonlit night is a feast for our eyes. The superb sights, scenes and sounds of nature are enhancing. To play, sing and talk would be some of the coveted pleasures of a moonlit night.

The memories of a moonlit night are still fresh, is in my mind and are still haunting my mind. A walk in a moonlight night is good experience because we come close to Mother Nature.

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