English Essay on “My Only Wish” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

My Only Wish

I am not a dreamer, yet I have my hopes and ambitions, and I always strive to achieve the goal that I have set before me.

Since my childhood, I have been very fond of reading books and playing challenging game. My mother tells me that I rode a horse, when I was only 8-year old, after I had seen a picture-book which contained a soldier riding a horse.

Again, at the age of 12, began to swim though my father scared me saying that water was a friend, but a foe too. As a student of secondary classes, I opted for swimming, and used to go to the school-pool every evening for training. It was then included in the Time Table.

Since I passed my Secondary Examination in second division, I took to reading of good books, in addition to my course books, and/ thus succeeded in securing 78 per cent marks in the Senior School Certificate Examination from this year.

I now wish only to be a great scholar. I read book almost on all subjects. Burning midnight oil is now very common for me, as this would help me in achieving my objective of being a scholar.

I have never liked, the job of physician, Engineering is Greek to me. Business and Commercial line is just the thing which I hate. Government service, according to me, is meant for the mediocre.

So, these ideas hardly leave any other opening for me. I wish only to be a scholar and I am glad, I am trying hard for the same.

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