English Essay on “My Mother” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

My Mother

Essay No. 01

“God could not be everywhere so he made mothers.” Maternal instinct begins when a child is in the mother’s womb. This is true for all mothers in the animal kingdom. A human mother cares for, worries for anti protects her offspring for as long as she lives. My noble mother is the perfect example of a perfect mother.

The most beautiful woman in my eyes, my mother is a strong lady. Such mental and emotional strength, I am yet to sec in another. She seems vulnerable when she wants an escort to go shopping but come crisis and you see a different woman altogether. She is calm and collected and takes decisions with such clarity of thought that one is left wondering whether this is the same person who seeks encouragement for small feats like driving a car! Emotions do not come in her way and she puts everything at stake without flinching, to bail her loved ones out of trouble. No tears, no outward fear, and no panic. She is the perfect blend of virtues. She is lively and endowed with a great sense of humour, a superb cook, a patient listener, and my best friend. She gets after my life to get me on track and can sense if something is wrong.

Only a mother is capable of such strong intuitions. Only a mother is capable of selflessness and unconditional love. She is our anchor and as long as she is there we know there will be no dearth of love.


Essay No. 02



My Mother


My mother was my first contact after coming into this world. It is so with everyone. She was also my first teacher. She taught me to speak and to stand up and walk. She also taught me the reading and writing of Hindi and the English alphabet. She taught me day-to-day manners. My mother’s complexion is fair. She is of medium height. My mother does all the household work. She remains busy throughout the day. She devotes all her care to me. I have an elder sister who assists my mother in all her work. My mother takes me with her whenever she goes out. I miss her when she is away. My mother cooks very delicious dishes. Sometimes, she asks about my preference and prepares for me what I want. My mother is a religious lady. She offers her prayers in the morning as well as in the evening. I love my mother more than anything else in the world. I am proud of my mother.

Essay No. 03

My Mother


I know a face, a lovely face,

So full of beauty, as of grace,

That face that could compare to no other

That lovely lady is My Mother!

These words speak of the beauty, depth, sacrifice, and unending love of a mother. It is rightly said, that nothing can compare to a mother’s love!

My mother is the central figure in the family. She is the person who sees to everything. We are all dependent on her emotionally and physically and when there is any kind of worry or problem, the first person to confide in, or turn to for advice is, Mother.

The amazing thing is that she asks for so little in return. She just wants love and respect, and for this, she gives us so much more. Mother works like a machine – she is everywhere attending to everybody’s needs. She also works in an office, and returns home tired, but never complains.

I know how very lucky I am to have a mother like mine, for she is my best friend. On holidays, we go out together, sometimes leaving my father at home. On these days we window shop and have lunch or see a movie. It is a treat I look forward to each month.

Mothers are really precious and we should cherish them, for where would we be without them!


Essay No. 04

My Mother

The name of my mother is Mrs. Kalawati Devi. She is a very nice lady. She loves me very much. She likes discipline and perfection. She always advises me to speak the truth and to obey the elders. She is the most respected lady for me. She looks after the family very well. I like her very much. May she live long!

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  1. Sarah June 6, 2019

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