English Essay on “A Visit to A Cinema Show” 350 Words Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Board Exam.

A Visit to A Cinema Show

Cinema today forms one of the most important means of mass communication, and instruction and is a source of entertainment and amusement.

Last Sunday, I happened to visit Star Theater where Shaheed was being screened. As I saw the posters pasted on the wall outside the theater, my craze to watch this movie increased all the more. The posters showed Bhagat Singh in many moods, sometimes, in prison and sometimes, kissing the gallows. I purchased a ticket and entered to the cinema hall. The entire hall was packed to its full capacity. Then I entered, and the newsreel was being shown. Soon, the movie started.

From the very beginning to the end, the picture was lively, spring, and thought-provoking. Bhagat Singh, the great martyr of India, was shown in his most buoyant moods, performing heroic deeds and playing courageous roles. How he faced the tyranny and cruelty of the British government, is really a story of agony. But his unalloyed patriotism withstood all the cruelties and tortures of Britishers. In the film, Bhagat Singh has been portrayed as a strong and staunch nationalist for whom the freedom of the motherland was the mission of his life. The cruelties of the British regime were borne by Bhagat Singh and his friends — Rajguru and Sukhdev. While in prison, he was shown as a free and fearless ‘son of India, determined to undergo all the troubles, trials, and tortures, in order to win freedom for his motherland.

Towards the end, Bhagat Singh along with Sukhdev and Rajguru was sentenced to death. All three sons of India were hanged. This was perhaps the most moving and touching scene. How these patriots of India kissed the gallows with patience and passion, courage and conviction are inexplicable. The entire story is infused with the spirit of patriotism and nationalism. Bhagat Singh’s role is unique and marvelous. The courage and convictions of Bhagat Singh and his acts of bravery, gallantry, and poise would be the most inspiring acts for the coming generations. The story, broadly speaking, depicts the struggle for Indian independence and the part played by Bhagat Singh in winning freedom from British rule.

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