English Essay on “My Most Interesting Dream” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

My Most Interesting Dream

A dream is ‘an idea or an image present in the sleeping mind’. What is common to all dreams is that one is asleep. I have had very unusual dreams. However, there is one  dream, in particular, that has had a huge impact on my life.

I was fast asleep. Suddenly, I saw a bright light and found an angel standing by my bedside. He said that he had been sent by the Almighty God to take me to heaven. He further said that God had decided to grant me this trip, as I am the most honest and truthful boy of the year on the Earth. My happiness knew no bounds. He asked me to sit in a nearby beautiful chariot drawn by seven bejeweled horses. I did so, and then he sat beside me. The chariot started flying up in the air. Up and up it went and continued soaring high up in the sky, and soon the earth shrunk to the size of a star.

And lo! I was now in the land of other planets and stars. I saw innumerable stars scattered all around me like diamonds. Instinctively, I picked up some and shoved them in my pocket. We continued flying higher and higher into the space when all of a sudden it turned into complete darkness. Where did all the stars disappear, I wondered? We continued our journey in the darkness for some time till I found myself in front of a brightly illuminated gate: we had reached a different world! There were two hefty angels standing as guards who immediately opened the gate and ushered us in.

Ah! What a sight to see? The entire area was magnificent and illuminated with special transcendental lights, the sight of which I had never seen on the earth. Even the colours cannot be named, as they were different from those in vibgyor. We got down from our chariot and boarded a gliding vehicle moving all over the place. There were lush green parks and gardens, glittering boulevards; and I could spot my ancestors among the innumerable souls. The flora spread the exotic fragrance. 1 was then taken to a ceremonial hall where all gods and goddesses had gathered. I was asked to sit by the side of the supreme god. Formal addresses were made giving the history of the award and benefits of being honest and truthful. I was complimented for my honesty and truthfulness, and preached to keep it up for coming again. I felt really honoured. A grand reception followed with exotic eats and drinks. One has to go there to really experience it all.

All good things must come to an end. My ancestors and others wanted me to stay back. But the God did not permit that. My best friend and neighbour’s grandfather asked for living. Fantasy opens our eyes to a better place, a shining city, or a world that we don’t know. The fantasy stories provide a mental bridge as we pursue horizons we could never distinguish with our physical eyes. Fantasy is not a lie, because it doesn’t pretend to be true. It is a vision, the mind’s dramatic sketch of what we were meant to be. Life places a great gap between wish and reality. The way we are in reality, really contrasts the way we are in the fantasy world.

I have been living in a fantasy world my entire life, and don’t know how to get out of it. It started when I was a child. Actually, I don’t know when it started, as 1 have been doing this for as long as I can remember. I would stare out into space and create a fantasy world, full of characters that were very real to me. It started with fairies, princesses, and other fantastical things. Then, as I got older, it developed into lifelike human beings. with histories and well developed stories. I would do this for hours every day, whenever i got a chance. It was an escape from reality, which seemed harmless. The problem is I never grew out of it. Instead, it got worse and worse, and I would develop the characters more and more. I was so far into my own world that I never developed any empathy or connections with anyone. I never wished anyone any harm. The only love and emotions I felt were for the people in my fantasy world. I live my life largely in my daydreams. One day, my fantasy took me to a place at the end of the earth. It. was a hill, blanketed in virgin snow, at twilight. At the edge of my vision, the branches of a pine tree hung me to convey his greetings and love to his grandson. I was given a warm farewell. My guide angel escorted me back to the gate and shifted to the chariot for the return journey. Again, we had to pass the darkness and stars. And as soon as we entered the orbit of the earth there was an earsplitting and shattering sound. The chariot started falling at very high speed, and finally I heard a thud. At this moment I found myself on the floor and realized it was all a dream. Neither I had gone to the heaven nor I had stars in my pockets; but distinctly remembered the sermon to follow the path of honesty and truthfulness. Your dreams are your lifeline and strength in life.

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