Essay on “Meteors” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.


Meteors are rays of light which generally are seen in the sky for few seconds and then get disappeared. They are many times called as ‘Breaking Stars,’ even though they all are not stars. When very small particles of rocks, metals, and dust, breaking travels with a great speed thereby entering the earth’s atmosphere, then they get converted into rays of light and these rays of light is called Meteors. When these pieces float in the space, then they are called as ‘Meteors.’ They can also be called as very small planets. Their speed in the space is at unbelievable speed of thousands of miles per hour and with this titanic speed they enter in the atmosphere of the Earth. Because of their speed, these meteors appear with high pressure and with their high shinning they get burnt. Hence, the line of light which is formed, we see it in the form of meteors. Mostly, meteors are very small — they are fetched as a size of millet to that of a pea. The meteors that fall in the space actually get burnt and destroyed before falling on the earth. Rarely with great difficulty does hardly any meteor reach the earth and the meteor that reaches the earth gets destroyed by hitting the ground thereby a pit is formed at that place.

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